
Showing posts from September, 2024

Navigating POSH Implementation: Challenges for Small and Medium Enterprises in India.

In the decade since the implementation of the Prevention of Sexual Harassment ( POSH ) Act of 2013, India has made significant strides in addressing workplace harassment. However, while large corporations have largely adapted to the new regulatory environment, Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) continue to grapple with the complexities of implementing POSH guidelines effectively. The POSH Predicament for SMEs SMEs, which form the backbone of India's economy, often find themselves in a precarious position when it comes to POSH compliance. The challenges they face are multifaceted: 1. Limited Resources: Unlike their larger counterparts, SMEs often operate on tight budgets, making it difficult to allocate funds for POSH-related initiatives. 2. Lack of Awareness: Many SME owners and employees are not fully aware of the POSH Act's requirements and their rights and responsibilities under it. 3. Informal Work Culture: The often close-knit, informal nature of SMEs can make it

Steps that HR Department Must take To Prevent Sexual Harassment At Work.

A large portion of the workplace in India is plagued by the problem of sexual harassment. In order to prevent it, businesses should take precautions, and they should also be prepared to address it if it does. The HR department is in charge of making sure compliance. To make the workplace safe for employees, they can implement Posh rules and take the ten steps listed below. HR should make sure that the business has several reporting options, including anonymous reporting, for sexual harassment. They must also ensure that the staff is aware of these options, whatever they may be. A human resources professional must understand that harassment can affect anyone, regardless of gender, sexual orientation, or other identifiers. Many LGBTQ employees are especially susceptible to harassment, whether it be sexual or otherwise. Sexual harassment can happen to anyone, even straight males in powerful positions inside the organisation. Every report should be taken seriously, and every investigation